In the southern old town, the optical highlight is the Rheinauhafen with its luxurious Kranhäusern and old, architectural gems. In this district, business leaders mix with students.

Photos f.l.t.r.: Marmara Ship 2011 Von Rolf Heinrich Köln CC BY 3.0, Laura-Oelbermann-Promenade_Koeln CC0, Kwartier Latäng-Rathenauplatz von Willy H-orsch (Eigenes Werk) CC-BY-SA-3.0 - all via Wikimeida Commons
In the southern part of the Old Town of Cologne are numerous remains of the city wall, completed around the middle of the 13th-century, for example the Hahnentor at Rudolfplatz, the Severinstorburg, the Ulrepforte and the Bayenturm. The Capitol Quarter and the Severins Quarter are representatives of the Cologne lifestyle: open-mindedness and tolerance are celebrated on Christopher Street Day on the streets of the Capitol Quarter. During carnival the Severins Quarter is year after year the scene of the Rose Monday parade. It was also unconventional in the 1970s, albeit in a slightly different way. Squatters were on the agenda at that time.
The above-mentioned Rheinauhafen is one of the flagships of Cologne: The three spectacular Kranhäuser seem to stretch across the Rhine. They are lined with historic gabled houses and listed harbor buildings. The apartments located within belong to the most expensive living spaces in Cologne.
The shopping area is, among other locations, the Zülpicher road which runs directly past the university. At night the students enjoy themselves here, but the next morning the small shops invite to stroll. Unusual fashion, but also kitsch and nice knickknacks can be found here. And of course books.
Around 1880, Cologne was extended north, west and south, its growth limited by the Rhine in the east. The southern part of the new town, Neustadt-Süd, today extends between the Cologne rings and the railway line, between Aachener Straße and the Rhine. The rings had been designed as a "chain of festive spaces". The intersections of these ring roads with the city gates, were expanded to places (for example Chlodwigplatz and Rudolfplatz).
The residential district in Neustadt-Süd was initially intended for the Cologne upper class. Therefore, churches of all denominations and the Opera on Rudolfplatz were built. This should facilitate the move and create a certain incentive. It is now a popular neighborhood for students. Neustadt-Süd includes parts of the Belgian quarter as well as the legendary Kwartier Latäng. The "Kwartier Latäng" on Rathenauplatz is a quarter with a tempting scene of pubs and restaurants with a variety of foreign cuisine. Its name, because of its proximity to the university, is an allusion to the traditional Parisian student quarter "Quartier Latin". Numerous restaurants and trendy restaurants, the proximity to the main shopping streets and of course the Cologne Carnival shape the life in this district.
The Volksgarten, one of the oldest parks in Cologne, is popular for recreation in the summer - people play drums, sing and grill and enjoy life. Interesting to know: beneath the surrounding hills are the rubble debris of Old Town, which was destroyed in the Second World War to 90 percent.
Neustadt-Sued is a popular residential area, but it is difficult to get to apartments. They usually go to a friend and do not even come to the market. Despite the students, it is also one of the highest priced areas of Cologne.

Photos f.l.t.r.: Haus-Balchem-Köln am Severinsplatz Von HOWI - Horsch, Willy - Selbst fotografiert CC BY 3.0, Köln-Neumarkt-Ecke-Zeppelin Von HOWI - Horsch, Willy - Eigenes Werk CC BY 3.0, Köln_Mauritiussteinweg_59-61_Haus_Wolkenburg Von HOWI - Horsch, Willy - Eigenes Werk, CC BY 3.0, Köln_Mauritiusviertel_St_Mauritius CC0, Ballonfahrt_über_Köln_-_Bottmühle von Raimond Spekking CC BY SA 3.0, Koeln-Pantaleon_Weissbraeu CC0, Severinstorburg von C3f59 (Eigenes Werk) CC BY 4.0, Köln-Altstadt-Süd_alte_Römermauer CC0, Rudolfplatz Von © Raimond Spekking CC-BY-SA 4.0, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring Köln - Wasser- und Grünflächen © Raimond Spekking CC BY SA 4.0, Bayenturm Von HOWI - Horsch, Willy - Eigenes Werk CC BY 3.0, Sachsenring-Köln-Südturm-der-Stadtmauer Von HOWI - Horsch, Willy - Eigenes Werk, CC BY 3.0, Zuelpicher Strasse CC0, Volksgarten Von Superbass - Eigenes Werk, CC-BY-SA 4.0, Volksgarten von Severinus1970 (Eigenes Werk) CC BY-SA 3.0 - all via Wikimeida Commons