The so-called "Kindergeld" (children allowance) is an allowance granted by the German state. Thus forms and required documents are principally standardized all over Germany.

Still, you are dealing with individuals, and some officers do interpret the rules different than others, hence, inquire with your dedicated officer which documents to bring. Often, they appreciate personal presence for the hand-in of the documents.

Download the application form in your mother tongue here:

The completed application form plus the required documents can be sent to:

  • Family name/surname of the child A-K
    Familienkasse Bayern Süd Außenstelle Deggendorf
    Hindenburgstraße 32
    94469 Deggendorf

  • Family name/surname of the child L-Z
    Familienkasse Bayern Süd Außenstelle Passau
    Nikolastraße 6
    94032 Passau

There are further specialized offices responsible for citizens of certain foreign countries.

Read more about the legalities on the general Family Allowance Page.


Parental allowance is granted to parents who care for their child themselves during the first few months of his/her life and compensates to a certain extent for the loss of income. If the parent was not in receipt of income before the birth of the child, he/she should receive the minimum payment of 300 EUR. As a consequence, it is worth checking whether you are eligible.

The standard template is applicable for births after 01.07.2015.

If you have had your own income during the last 12 months (excluded are months taken off for child education), further forms need to be handed in. They can be downloaded here. They are in German language only.


Birthday of your child 01. to 05. day of the month

Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales - Region Oberfranken
Gebrüder-Netzsch-Str. 19
95100 Selb
Telefon: 09287 803-0
Fax: 09287 803-599
Mo - Fr 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr


Birthday of your child 06. to 10. day of the month

Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales - Region Oberpfalz
Landshuter Straße 55
93053 Regensburg
Telefon: 0941 7809-00
Fax: 0941 7809-1304
Mo - Wed 08:00 - 12:30 Uhr
Thu 08:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Fr 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Birthday of your child 11. to 31. day of the month

Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales - Region Oberbayern
Bayerstraße 32
80335 München
Telefon: 089 18966-0
Fax: 089 18966-1499
Mo - Fr 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und
Mo + Thu 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr

The processing of the applications is dependent on the birthday of the child. Expect something between 1-3 months.


State child-raising benefit is unique to Bavaria and was introduced 25 years ago.
It is granted to low-income families once the parental allowance has expired. Following the parental allowance families in Bavaria can get the income-dependent Bavarian state child-raising allowance. The requirement is  (a.o.) beside a certain income a reduction of work due to child-rearing.

Helpful German language link:

The application form can be downloaded here: Application form. Should you recieve equivalent subsidies from another country, you need to also provide the Annex on Foreign Subsidies "Anlage Auslandsbezug"



The Bavarian care allowance is granted to parents of children in the second and third year of life. In 2020 the amounts paid out are 250 EUR per month for children aged between 13 to 36 months, for a third child even 300 EUR per month.

It is a benefit for all families, regardless of income or employment. Parents in Bavaria can also receive family allowance if the child goes to daycare or is cared for in the family.

The purpose is basically to subsidies the expensive cost of daycare.

The application is made jointly with the application for the parental allowance above.