You will also wish to understand if your academic degree is recognized. If it is, this will also significantly shorten the application procedure for an employment visa, i.e., the bluecard. When searching for job vacancies, the job profiles will tell you what kind of academic degree will be required, and you will be able to tell your target employer that your education is recognized.
There is just one central office evaluating foreign degrees, and they offer the so-called anabin database that allows you to search for your university and your degree.
- Look for your degree.
- Search for type of degree.
- Search your university.
The database comes in German, however, the search is relatively easy to handle.
The German embassy in your country will be checking the anabin database for your degree and university unless you are entitled to a bluecard, in which case they leave the check to the respective alien office in Germany.
If you cannot find your degree or your university in the anabin database there are two possible approaches:
- You ask the "Zentralstelle für auskändisches Bildungswesen" to evaluate your degree. That is costly, however, it may enhance your application procedure for an employment visa or a bluecard significantly. It is less relevant for a bluecard since it is usually not critical for the granting of an employment visa in this case. If you are likely not entitled to a bluecard, it is more relevant. Still, the best person to tell you is your respective officer at the German embassy. Another advantage is that you can use the evaluation for future job searches in Germany.
- You sit and wait what happens after you handed in your application. If your embassy decides it needs an evaluation they will initiate the same. The downside of this approach is that you don't know when they will start this procedure. The advantage is that you won't have to pay anything.