We are at your side: with our knowhow, experience and a lot of passion!
We chose the name The Red Relocators in honor of the city were our company history began: Hamburg. The city logo shines in a bright red and Kerstin Luong is a true Hamburg Girl at heart. Red also represents dynamic and that’s what we stand for. Fast reactions, efficient operations and always one step ahead. That’s us!
You may call it mission, we call it passion and dedication. We are convinced that diversity of the workforce is the most important success factor of today’s business challenges. It facilitates looking at products, services and the processes behind, from all angles necessary in this global market. Making use of it’s full capacity will boost competitiveness in short time.
When discussing with the peers of Germany’s medium sized businesses I very often hear that they suffer from the lack of applicants in Germany but cannot hire foreigners because their clients would not accept English as project language. I feel we are on the verge of a new era – like we have been when computers took over. Nobody understood the language of programmers back then. They spoke a completely different language – there were moderators like me, management consultants, who translated between the technical department and the IT people. Today‘s business leaders need to manage the challenge of finding the moderating element to be able to make use of the enormous benefits by hiring people from all over the world while not leaving more conservative client organisations behind.
The findings of these discussions are underlined by numerous studies dealing with the available workforce in Germany, or better, the lack of it. Mostly due to an aging population our entrepreneurs cannot staff projects and lose out on opportunities. The numbers vary, depending on what scenario the researchers chose for the impact of technological development, between 150.000 to 250.000 missing people to do the job. An enourmous amount which is next to impossible to achieve with the current immigration process, onboarding process and change management process. Our authorities are already overwhelmed with the small number of 15.000 – 25.000 work immigration cases a year.
We as relocators can only support with onboarding these foreign talents and try to give them the best start possible so that the employing business can fully explore the benefits of such hire. However, we do this with all the passion of our hearts.
Since 2019 we are also a full member of the European Relocation Association (EURA) and therefore have access to the latest developments in the industry, benchmarks and trends as well as the worldwide network of its international members.

Facilitating integration- The role of welcome culture and quality
People need to feel at home to be happy. Home is where my beloved ones are – that is a saying often heard and probably the most challenging part of leaving the old home. It feels like all the people we love are left behind – aside the immediate family. But everybody feels a great loss when moving away.
This can be overcome by positive memories in the new home town and new friends. Our joint effort is to give our transferees ideas for activities, create a first bonding with the new culture by explaining as much as possible, hint to cultural difference etc. But most of all it is the warm welcome we offer to our clients. We do this job with our hearts fully in. Every client is special to us.
Offering services for small budgets
Medium-sized companies are often tight with their budget allocated to personnel related expenses. While we regret this policy and are convinced it should be of significantly higher importance to any employer in today’s employee market, it is a reality we, as well as our counterparts in HR do face.
Likewise, we see a lot of private clients who don’t receive any financial contribution to the cost and organization of their move to Germany.
We know, our service is to a certain extent a luxury, however, we are convinced that they are contributing to a smoother integration and a significantly higher rate of successful move – meaning the assignee stays with the employer and stays in Germany to contribute to our society’s well-being.
Therefor, we constantly aim to define services for small budgets and to offer an absolutely fair value for money.
Easing the pain of a finding a new home
Relocating is a most stressful experience. Finding a new home is not limited to finding an apartment or a house – it is about feeling at home. While the excitement for this adventure is the overwhelming feeling, the feeling of uncertainty cannot be denied. A smooth transition reduces the stress level and reassures the assignee to having made the right decision.
We strive to always explain the background of the next step. Our clients receive in-depth, mostly individual explanations of the reason why, asked for or not. Our emails will never be “one-sentence” closed communications but will motivate the client to ask detailed questions.
Our Relocation Guides supplements our on-the-ground services and are especially helpful for clients with a restricted budget. It comprehends a detailed description of how Germany works in the diverse areas of relevance throughout a relocation.