We strongly develop our business in Germany and thus are always open for applications be it for (mostly freelance) jobs or partnerships. We offer a professional working atmosphere in a very family-friendly environment, efficient tools and fair pay.
Your responsibilities:
- Organisation of appointments with public authorities, research of documentary and procedural requirements, accompaniment to appointments, explanation of the process (i.e., work permit, municipal registration, child allowance)
- Search for housing, the arrangement of and accompaniment to visitation appointments, support with application and handover, registration with utility providers, etc.
- Search for free kindergarten spaces, support with school enrollment
- Support for driving license conversion, registration of a car
- develop our database with Munich realtors, establish contacts and form cooperations
- and a lot more
You will enjoy working with us if you
- are a native English speaker or have equivalent skills,
- are confident in speaking German and mastering communication with landlords, real estate agents, and public officers,
- enjoy meeting people from countries all over the world,
- are very communicative, able to undertake precise researching and presentation of results,
- know your city from the back of your hand, have an understanding where different personalities would enjoy living, where one can go shopping, especially foreign products,
- are able to confidently and persistently get your way with authorities,
- can get access to a car and hold a valid driving license,
- have a smartphone and a PC and are knowledgeable with both, and
- are absolutely reliable - if you cannot hold on to a commitment you communicate
You will mainly be working from home and accompany our clients to all kinds of appointments. It is hard to say how many clients can be expected for your city; however, the effort will remain on a small scale and can be easily fitted into the busy day of a full-time mom, dad or student. It would be good if you are generally flexible to organize your daily tasks to accommodate our clients' demands. Any case can be reconciled with your schedule. Monthly time investment varies between 10 and 40 hours.
What we offer is a very nice team operating all over Germany, state-of-the-art collaboration tools, established processes and wiki and the atmosphere of a start-up. The management is very family-friendly, and schedules can mostly be adjusted to the daily family life. Moreover, the job itself is absolutely rewarding since basically all clients are very, very grateful for our services.
Application in German to Kerstin Luong, please.
Your roles & responsibilities:
- Develop a concept for a half-day workshop hold at either the client's office or home. Half of it should deal with generally experienced issues and the other half to cover the individual issues and anxieties of our client, identification of potential conflicts and development of countermeasures, explanation of technics to deal with frustration and insecurities
- Conduct follow-up appointments in the sense of Aftercare Services, where experiences can be discussed and solutions developed to deal with uncomfortable situations
- Feedback after conducting the appointments and communication within our Collaboration Tool
- Independent reconciliation of schedules with the client
We would appreciate to win you as our partner if
- you have relevant experience with Conducting Culture Coaching for Germany, be it in a professional environment of a client or in the private environment of the family, including possible conflicts with colleagues, clients or suppliers, as well as conflicts within the family
- you are very communicative and are able to approach foreign people
- are truly reliable
- work as Culture Coach on Freelance Basis or have your own business set up - we are happy to set a link to your own website
We offer a super nice team, fair pay, start-up atmosphere, and very interesting pupils.
Please send a German application to Kerstin Luong.
We look forward to hearing from you!