Schwabing…a lovely district. Starting half-way up the famous Leopoldstrasse at the landmark Siegestor it is one of the most popular districts of Munich. The city center is in cycling distance and the university is situated at ots Southern borders. Therefore, many students live here and contribute to the lively scenery. The streets going off to the East from the Leopoldstrasse are full of small individual shops and bars and the Münchner Freiheit is one of the most urban places in town. A cinema, Karstadt, and a lively night scene make this district the place to live.
Schwabing was the place for the intellectual and artistic scene of 1930 Germany. This is where resistence took place, poets tried their lyrics, artists exhibited their works, cabarettists imitated politicians and theatre dialogues were invented. Nowadays, it is more about shopping and dining.

Photos f.l.t.r.: Schwabing (c) Gliwi CC BY SA 3.0, Allianz Leopoldstraße 28 München (c) TillF (own work) CC BY SA 3.0, Feilitzschstr. 12 München Schwabing (c) SimoneofMunich CC BY SA 3.0 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons
Twice a year, the boulevard hosts the gigantic street life festival “Corso Leopold”, attracting around 250.000 visitors. And whenever Germany wins a tournament like the football world championchip people drive up and down the Leopoldstrasse with tuuting horns and peakers at maximum volume to celebrate the success.
Complementing this are the calm and green banks of the “Eisbach” and other tiny creeks in the English Garden and the many meadows inviting for a relaxing sun bath with a good book in hand.
The architecture is mostly Wilhelminian style town houses and mansions with pretty Art Nouveau facades. Since Schwabing will in any case be an area you will be exploring on foot, take a peak into Ainmillerstrasse or go see the old working class houses at the end of Feilitzschstrasse.
Get an impression of available apartments in this district
The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.
Get an idea of rental price development in this district
The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

Photos f.l.t.r.: KARSTADT Schwabing Leopoldstraße (c) Richard Huber CC BY SA 3.0, Leopoldstr 81 (c) Philipp Weigell CC BY 3.0, Leopoldstr. 77 Muenchen 1 (c) Rufus46 CC BY SA 3.0, Schwabing (c) Gliwi CC BY SA 3.0, Leopoldstraße 50 München Schwabing (c) Gliwi CC BY SA 3.0, MUC SchwabingWeihnachtsmarktA (c) Bbb at wikivoyage shared GFDL or CC BY SA 3.0, MUC SchwaMonacoFranze (c) Bbb at wikivoyage shared GFDL or CC BY SA 3.0, MucSwa Leopoldstraße 2012 (c) Bbb-Commons - Eigenes Werk CC BY-SA 3.0, Muenchner Freiheit 26 Muenchen 1 (c) Rufus46 CC BY SA 3.0, München Leopoldstr. Blick Richtung Süden (c) Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa) CC BY SA 2.5, München Wilhelmstraße und Ainmillerstraße (c) Mattes CC BY 2.0, Munchener Freiheit station (c) Mattes (public domain), Münchner Freiheit Trambahn und Bushaltestelle (c) Richard Huber CC BY SA 3.0, WM2010 Leopoldstraße (public domain), Wohnhaus C.S (c) WWmunich CC BY SA 4.0 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons