Our Immigration Services for Germany are customized for all budgets.
Our service is targeted for working people and their families. Whether you are entitled for a Bluecard, a Specialist visa, an ICT card or you are a researcher or freelancer, our immigration services will guide you safely through the application process.
We will usually start with a telco and that will already enable to give you a hindsight, whether or not the work permit is going to be possible, or an evaluation of some kind needs to take place first.
Such can be a more detailed look into your academic results, it may be a formal evaluation by the central authority for academic studies, it can be a thorough analysis of your professional experience and knowledge by the respective authority responsible for your profession, and finally it can be an evaluation of the demand for your experience in Germany by the Federal Employment agency.
Please be aware that any evaluation may not result in a positive answer, however, in most cases a visa category will be applicable. If you want to check on your own, follow our guide!
For a defined set of countries, citizens need to apply from within their home country, other citizens can apply in Germany. With the new law in force since March 2020 a state-individual fast track approach may be possible and sensitive in your case. Our immigration services include guidance on the immigration approach would likely be the fastest.
Where there is a high likelihood that a work visa will be granted, we will advise the process, guide through the labyrinth of immigration requirements, support with the compilation and completion of documents and forms, help reserving appointments with immigration bodies, join during such appointments to get the best out of them, and finally, review the residence title issued and compare to what was applied.
We work with our lawyers Offer & Mastmann wherever legal counselling is required, especially so, when an employer seeks to develop an immigration strategy and wants to define a legally solid immigration process. Bettina Offer and Gabriele Mastmann have been the first attorneys to specialize on immigration law in Germany. Having established their practice in 2005 and being nominated as leading providers in the field by Who's Who Legal since 2009, they have successfully supported 3.000 - 4.000 immigration cases each year and have experience with more than 100 German immigration bodies worldwide.
The Red Relocators, where necessary together with our lawyers, will support the application for a German residence title. This immigration service is recommended when you believe several visa categories may apply, or you are unsure, if you are entitled at all, or if you need initial guidance as to how proceed within a specific visa category.
- Video call to understand the overall picture of your immigration case (timing of the move, intended starting date, family situation)
- Evaluation of your situation, reviewing of relevant documents
- Check comparability of academic degrees in the Anabin database
- Review requirements for professional experience
- Establish whether or not an immigration body will have to perfom an evaluation
- Confirmation of the visa category to apply for
- A fee will apply in case
- It is found, after careful consideration of a comprehensive background, that you are not eligible to a suitable residence title, or
- if you decide not to move on with an immigration package within 2 weeks after we have told you which visa category applies due to your silence/lack of decision).
- The fee will not apply in case you go ahead with EASY, PLUS or FAMILY
The Red Relocators, where necessary together with our lawyers, will support the application for residence permits where no formal evaluation by an immigration body needs to be performed:
- Bluecard
- IT Specialists
- Job Search
- Student
Our Immigration Services include
- Pre-Assessment to gather the candidate’s situation and schedule:
- Timing of the move, intended starting date, family situation
- Understanding annual gross salary, job responsibilities, academic degree (copies to be provided) as well as the timing of the move
- Evaluation of the comparability of academic degrees
- Evaluation of required professional experience
- Establishment of required documents and their legal form (original, translation, apostille, legalization) and support with translation, apostille and legalization (excl. expenses) for the applicant
- Support with the completion of any forms requested by the authorities.
- Preparation and reservation of the application appointment at a German embassy.
- Review of the issued visa.
- Preparation, reservation and accompaniment to the municipal registration, explanation of all processes involved (tax id, public broadcasting)
- Support with interim prolongations of the right to stay ("fictional residence titel")
- Support with contracting German healthcare insurance as prerequisite for a residence permit
- Preparation, reservation & accompaniment to the appointment with the local Foreigners Office in Germany.
- Review of the issued visa.
You believe you have got it all right and just want to make sure you in fact do?
- Small Pre-Assessment: Are you entitled for the category you are aiming for - based on the documents provided
- Document Support: One-time support:
Provide list of necessary documents for the visa category aimed for, review of required documents and their legal form (original, translation, apostille, legalization) – pre-requisite: you have compiled everything that you believe is necessary. If not comprehensive: guidance to close the gaps. Hint to the critical topics. - Form support: Support with the completion of any forms requested by the authorities.
- Appointment Reservation Support: directing you to the correct reservation system and help remotely with the reservation (local Foreigners Office), where possible through business access (faster, but also no guaranteed wait periods).
Out of scope:
- Guidance towards another category - if you need: book the pre-assessment on top
- Any support covered under the immigration PLUS package - feel free to book
- Any kind of legal counselling or clarification of legal questions
- Accompaniment to the Foreigners Office - can be booked on top
The Red Relocators, where necessary together with our lawyers, will support the application for any other work permit.
Applies for complex work permits
- Assignment
- Intercompany Transfer
- Specialists
- C-Level Management
- privileged nationalities
- Researchers
- Freelancers or entrepreneurs
- expedited skilled worker program
Our services
- Pre-Assessment:
- Timing of the move, intended starting date, family situation
- Understanding annual gross salary, job responsibilities, academic degree (copies to be provided) as well as the timing of the move
- Evaluation of the comparability of academic degrees
- Evaluation of required professional experience
- Establishment of required documents and their legal form (original, translation, apostille, legalization) and support with translation, apostille and legalization (excl. expenses) for the applicant
- communication with the immigration bodies on behalf of the employer and employee, payment of the government fee for the expedited skilled worker program
- Support with the completion of any forms requested by the authorities.
- Support with acquiring additional necessary documents - where applicable:
- Evaluation of comparability of the academic degree with the ZAV (Zentralstelle Anerkennungsverfahren)
- Evaluation of the demand for the applicant's professional experience in Germany by the Federal Employment Agency (Zustimmungsverfahren)
- Evaluation of comparability of professional education and experience by the respective authority
- Business concept and financial background for a Freelance Visa et al
- Preparation and reservation of the application appointment at a German embassy.
- Review of the issued visa.
- Preparation, reservation and accompaniment to the municipal registration, explanation of all processes involved (tax id, public broadcasting)
- Support with interim prolongations of the right to stay ("fictional residence titel")
- Support with contracting German healthcare insurance as prerequisite for a residence permit
- Preparation, reservation & accompaniment to the appointment with the local Foreigners Office in Germany.
- Review of the issued visa
The Red Relocators, where necessary together with our lawyers, will support the application for family reunion of the married spouse and up to three own children.
- Intensive video call to gather the candidate’s situation and schedule
- Establishment of required documents and their legal form (original, translation, apostille, legalization) and support with translation, apostille and legalization (excl. expenses) for the applicants
- Support with the completion of any forms requested by the authorities.
- Preparation and reservation of the application appointment at a German embassy.
- Preparation, reservation and accompaniment to the municipal registration, explanation of all processes involved (tax id, public broadcasting)
- Support with interim prolongations of the right to stay ("fictional residence title")
- Support with contracting German healthcare insurance as prerequisite for a residence permit
- Preparation, reservation & accompaniment to the appointment with the local Foreigners Office in Germany.
- Review of the issued visa.
Are you interested in our services? We look forward to your contact request and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Let us have some information about you and your needs.