How to…pregnancy in Germany

Pic (c) JMG PIXELIOAs I am writing this, I’m now 37 weeks pregnant and enjoying my Mutterschutz (maternity time) from the sofa at 6am. I keep thinking, how on earth would I have been able to manage this pregnancy in the US – if I’m lucky I sleep around 6 hours a night, sitting for...Continue reading


Christmas goose (Weihnachtsgans) (c) Jürgen Howaldt CC BY-SA 2.0 DE Thanksgiving is called „Erntedankfest“ in Germany. And whilst it is no public holiday in Germany it is still a popular period of the year. Mostly, it is celebrated by the churches and less within the families, but the history and the meaning is taught in kindergarten...Continue reading

International Schools  in Germany


pic (c) Rainer Sturm / PIXELIO.deThe so-called “Einschulung” in Germany is a BIG thing! The “Einschulung” is the very first day a child goes to school as a 1st grader. It's always on the first day after the summer holidays, and 2 or 3 days after school has started. It is therefore on a different...

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