Moving top a new country or city with a family in tow is a challenge and adds a lot of worries to decision and adaption process. Our Family Packages help to reduce them.
Your spouse will loose her or his social network and in many cases her or his employment. Finding a new occupation and developing a new network is a sometimes daunting experience. For children, the change can be exrraordinary hard as they may loose theri close ties to grandparents and best friends, and have to adjust to a completely different education system. Our family packages help you understanding the possibilities in Germany and create a positive attitude of all family members.
Understanding the German childcare and education system is a critical topic for families since our children’s happiness is so absolutely important to us. They have no word in their parents’ decision to move to Germany, so the least thing we can do is the reduce the negative impacts the move will have on their personality as well as education. Our support here is highly appreciated by the family and often a vital criteria for the decision to accept an employment offer.
The search for childcare for younger children is extremely difficult in urban areas. We search for a daycare (“Tagesmutter”), or a creche or a kindergarten. It is not guaranteed that a free space is found. The full package is rather expensive due to that effort, so we would recommend to start with a small individual service and enhance when necessary.
We can also help your spouse to feel home and understand his or her value on the German job market. Our relocation guide offers a lot of information on family life in Germany.
Finally, families are entitled to a lot of family benefits: from child allowance to childcare vouchers - we support your application.
On this website you can find officially sponsored content by the Foreigners' Office of Berlin - valid for entire Germany.
You can book all service individually.
You have a small baby or a baby is to be born in Germany? Let us support you during this exciting, yet stressful time where worries may be overwhelming.
- Support with filing parental allowance (“Elterngeld”) including support with objections against rejection - with or without relevant income to be considered
- Search for a midwife
- Explaining the options for giving birth, pre- and postnatal courses
- Identifying specialized hospitals and/or birth houses, open days, enrolment procedure
- Finding a gynecologist
- And once the baby is there: filing for child allowance and registering the child
This Family Package would help tremendously if you had 1-3 children aged between 1 and 5 years old and whom you wish to be introduced to the German education system.
- Explanation of the childcare system in the target city (private childminders versus Kindergarten, Pre-School, school readiness & preparational classes for German, medical examination, assigned primary school concepts, secondary schools and wish-lists, customs regarding parents’ involvement, cost)
- Free-places-search, one round, all childminders and kindergartens within 25-35 minutes commute, compilation of a list with all contacts, 1 repeated search after agreed time
- Explanation of the individual care concepts of the kindies, opening hours, food, group size, activities)
- Coordination of communication with teachers/headmasters during the application process, arrangement of appointments as far as possible
- Accompaniments to appointments (like Introductory meeting with childminder/headmaster, Jugendamt (authority for youth affairs) which is assigning slots under specific circumstances, contract signing meeting)
- Application Support Child Allowance
This Family Package is very beneficial for families with 1-3 children aged between 6 and 15 years old and whom you wish to be introduced to the German education system.
- Explanation of the schooling system in the target city (pre-school, school readiness & preparational classes for German, medical examination, assigned primary school concepts, secondary schools and wish-lists, customs regarding parents’ involvement, cost)
- Free-places-search for integration classes, and/or regular classes (focus of the school, special promotions, bilingual classes, number of pupils etc.)
- Explanation of the individual education concepts of the schools
- Coordination of communication with teachers/headmasters during the application process, Aarangement of appointments as far as possible
- Accompaniments to appointments like introductory meeting with school headmaster, Schulamt (school authority) meeting, medical examination (school readiness), sometimes Jugendamt (authority for youth affairs)
- Application Support Child Allowance
Young adults older than 15 years will need special attention regarding their ongoing education. The language problem may throw them back a full year and still cause negative impacts on results. A, mostly expensive, alternative are the international schools which you will find in mostly every urban area. Nonetheless, the German experience is a most valuable time for any young adult and the German universities with no charges offer extremely good opportunities.
- Free places search at all international schools in the area, basic explanation of the German school system as alternative
- Research options to stuy in Germany
- Intensive German language training and learning support to adjust to the respective German skill level
- Application Support Child Allowance
Germayn offers a lot of financial benefits for families. We explain what is possible and of course help with the application support:
- Child Allowance
- Parental Allowance
- Family Benefit
- Couple Taxation
The unhappiness of the spouse is very often the reason why assignments fail. The success of a relocating employee is therefore inextricably linked to the integration and vocation of their spouse, especially where the spouse will quit a career and needs to start a new one. We have developed a Spouse Package to help him/her assimilate into the new environment as quickly and seamlessly as possible and which will give him/her a good head start to grow roots in his/her new home town.
- Our dedicated couches can advise on the options available to assist additional study or support in finding a career in the host location. Additionally, we can provide information and advice regarding volunteer work and local community activities.
- Speaking the German language and understanding German customs create a feeling of belonging and understanding. We have developed a special training programm of just 25 super intensive hours combined language and culture training, thereof half remotely in the current home country, focusing on typical useful phrases for the spouse's life.
Are you interested in our services? We look forward to your contact request and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Let us have some information about you and your needs.