District Profile Bahrenfeld

The district Bahrenfeld is also close to the center of Hamburg. It can basically be split into four sections: a rather large industrial area / business center in the East, the huge Altonaer Volkspark in the North and, to the South two in comparison relatively small residential areas of slightly different atmosphere.

The southern part is mostly nice old buildings. This residential area comes with a very sympathetic urban atmosphere. It is a very culture rich districts, too, and that is both referring to nationality of citizens as well as entertainment. The residential area further north has a significantly higher number of single and double houses with - relatively - small gardens. This part is characterized by a couple of settlements developped in the early 19th century for worker of the many manufacturies situated in the neighborhood.

The Altona Volkspark in the North is actually the largest forest park in Germany, it does even have a golf course. Apart from the Volkspark wich is a real forest and not so much a park there are no less than seven cemeteries offering more opportunities for walking and running.

One of the examples of urbanization of industrial areas"
This is how Lokstedt looks like."
The Otto von Bahrenpark is a popular business area offering lofty offices"

The center of Hamburg Bahrenfeld has unfortunately been destroyed when the motorway was built. As compensation serves its proximity to Ottensen with its good shopping possibilities. Bahrenfeld is also bespoken for its conversion of industrial premises to office buildings.  A particularly successful project is the "Forum Altes Gaswork" which is clustered around the former Altona gas production plant. It is nowadays a complex of office, commercial and residential buildings now housing a design hotel, fitness center and various companies. Other examples are the Phoenixhof and the Gewerbehof Bahrenfeld. We have tried to gather photos of this very modern atmosphere.

In recent years, young couples where increasingly drawn here, and with them came some bars. Likewise the restaurant scene developed for good.

Get an impression of available apartments in this district

The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.

Get an idea of rental price development in this district

The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

Another sight into the Otto von Bahrenpark in Hamburg district Bahrenfeld"
Typical streetview in Hamburg Bahrenfeld"
One more: business park Otto von Bahrenpark"
Bahrenfeld is also hosting the big concert hall Imtech Arena"
One more insight into Otto von Bahrenpark"