District Profile Eppendorf

The district Eppendorf sits right above the alster like on the left side. It is a super popular and upscale residential area.

Eppendorf is a little up north of the above two districts and a little less representative than Hoheluft. Still, it is one of the most beautiful places to live. Passing the bridges over the alster river, lies Winterhude, a district rather different in atmosphere, but similarly nice and beloved.

The areas close to the Alster are naturally the most expensive ones and most of the buildings there are nowadays apartment houses, but very expensive. Further away from the river there are also less exclusive apartment houses, most of them 4-stories high, with small but cute front gardens and sometimes cozy backyards. Hence, the social structure of Eppendorf is a bit more mixed than in Harvestehude, on average a taxpayer claims a yearly income of 45.000 EUR. the spread, however, is huge.

Most of the buildings have been built in the late decades of 1900 and have the so-loved high ceilings. The Isebek-channel and the Mühlenteich (a pond) also impact the prices with their vicinity, but also allow for taking a breath in the hectic city-life. There are a few train stations in close reach. And because it is generally a little less pricey than in Harvestehude / Uhlenhorst, it is also a very family-friendly quarter.14% of the households have children. They are taken care by 12 kindergartens, three primary schools and two secondary schools.

Also Hamburg Eppendorf is full of art-deco buildings from the turn of thecentury"
A beautiful house facing a major crossing in Eppendorf"
One of the many café at HAmburg Eppendorf."

80% of the residents are Germans. The unemployment rate is half of the Hamburg average and only 11% of the habitants have suffered from criminality last year. Roads are lined with trees and crowded with parked cars - happy is the one finally finding a parking space.

Eppendorf has a popular shopping area around Eppendorfer Baum with small upmarket boutiques. Also many cafes and restaurants with all kinds of kitchens are located here. The weekly market at Isestrasse (beneath the rail track) is one of the most popular markets in Hamburg and worth a visit, whether you live in that quarter or elsewhere (Tuesdays and Fridays, morning to noon). Eppendorf's landmark is its church, St. Johannis, in its historical center. It is the oldest and most beautiful church in Hamburg and to get a marriage appointment is a rather difficult task. In summer, canoes and pedal boats can be rented and populate the rivers and canals. In Eppendorf one of the most famous clinics, the UKE (University Clinic of Eppendorf), is situated.

Get an impression of available apartments in this district

The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.

Get an idea of rental price development in this district

The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

The Bismarckstrasse in Hamburg Eppendorf refers to chancelor Bismarck"
One of the major shopping roads in Eppendorf"
Streetview of eppendorfer Marktplatz"
Former entrance of the university clinic - the famous UKE"
The Isebekchannel also runs through Eppendorf."
Should you nail an apartment with direct water view - congratulations!! The Isebek channel in Eppendorf"
One of the red brick old houses - overlooking the Isebek channel"
The Lokstedter Weg is a big road running through Hamburg Eppendorf"
One of the few modern single houses in Hamburg Eppendorf - probably worth several millions"
A public bath - you should go there and have swim! It is fantastic! The Kellinghusenbad."
Eppendorf street festival - happens once a year"
A boathouse at the Isebek channel, right after it parts form Alster lake"
The estuary of the small river Tarpenbek, where flowing into the Alster channel"
Grown-over house at eppendorfer Landstrasse"