District Profile Winterhude

Winterhude is another most loved district in Hamburg

The district Hamburg Winterhude is a very pretty and popular area, especially the South around Mühlenkamp. This part is very chic and most popular with young families, though a little posh and you sometimes get the feeling that buggies and children are walked simply to show them off.. In this respect, it is very similar to the slightly more exclusive Eppendorf.

It offers the biggest park in Hamburg, the Stadtpark, with the Planetarium where you can enjoy fascinating events and films. Its streets are small and have big trees and many channels run through the quarter. If you are lucky to get an apartment alongside a channel in some cases you have direct access to the water and can buy or share a canoe.

13 floor buildings dorotheenstrasse am Mühlenkampkanal in Winterhude"
The Indonesian Consulate in Hamburg Winterhude"
The Peruvian Consulate in Hamburg Winterhude"


Buildings south of Stadtpark are mostly red-brick, and around Mühlenkamp, Art Nouveau style from the early decades of the 1900’s dominates. The district's atmosphere is very sympathetic because of the many backyards where family life takes place. It is also a district where people know each other and gossip at the open air market or at any of the manifold small bakeries, cafes, butchers, florists, etc.

Because of its popularity, rental as well as sale prices are above average. If you want a house, which is basically impossible because only 2,6 of the buildings are townhouse,s you have to pay a fortune which means double the price of the Hamburg average. Flats are a bit less exclusive than on the Western side of the Alster but still really pricey. Principally, one can say that the nearer to water a building is, the more expensive it will be. There have been some new building projects in the recent past offering urban design flats.

11% of the households have children and because of the dense population (6.500 people share a km²) there are 39 (!) kindergartens, 6 primary schools and three secondary schools. It is a family-friendly area. The criminality rate is 9,1% (meaning 9 out of 100 residents suffered from a delict – mostly burglary) and that is 4% less than the average. Just like Barmbek-Süd and Nord, the population is well mixed and some 21% have a multi-national background. People living here are wealthy and earn some 45.000 EUR a year on average and suffer less from unemployment (just 4%).

The Iranian consulate is also situated in Hamburg Winterhude"
The Planetarium is located in the Stadtpark which covers a big part of Winterhude"
Yes, it does snow in Hamburg Winterhude"


Winterhude invites people from all over Hamburg into its various good restaurants and bars. Its cultural offers are top-notch (check out the program of "Kampnagel" on Jarrestrasse and the "Winterhuder Fährhaus"). The best way to spent your leisure time is to either rent (or own) a canoe and coast the numerous channels or have a picnic or barbeque in the Stadtpark. The most beautiful shopping street is Mühlenkamp which also offers nice and cozy coffee bars and small restaurants. If you get a flat here, you will be a happy person!

Get an impression of available apartments in this district

The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.

Get an idea of rental price development in this district

The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

The Alsterdorfer Strasse is top: a ssmall side road full of shops and cafes."
The little kiosk at Goldbekplatz, turning into a farmers market on weekends"
Stairs leading to Lattenkamp station in Winterhude"
The Leinpfad channel in Winterhude - looking South"
On sunny afternoons or weekends the Leinpfad channel is full of canoes"
Typical black red brick houses, designed by architect Schumacher. To be found a lot in Winterhude."
Playground Menckwiese in Hamburg Winterhude"
You will never succeed finding an apartment facing this channel in Winterhude - you can only inherit."
The Streek bridge connectin Winterhude to Eppendorf"
Typical red brick apartment block - architect Schumacher design - in Winterhude"
One of the many centres of Winterhude"
The Planetarium at Hamburger Stadtpark"