District Profile Hoheluft

The central districts north of the alster lake are probably THE most popular area to live in Hamburg

The district Hamburg Hoheluft is a very pretty district with beautiful Wilhelminian and Art Nouveau facades, green rear courtyards and lots of small boutiques. All bigger streets are aligned with nice little shops and invite for a stroll and to indulge yourself. You don't find the typical chains here but individual up-market boutiques breathing their owner's charisma. Every once and again a cafe invites for a relaxed break, preferably outside - if the weather allows. Take a "street view" along the Eppendorfer Weg and Hoheluftchaussee to get an impression. Mothers (mostly) walk their children in shiny clothes and buggies and meet for a latte macchiato or on one of the playgrounds between Gneisenau- and Kottwitzstraße. Another big adventure playground is between Wrangelstraße and Hoheluftchaussee. Many restaurants of all sorts are located here. A difference to Eppendorf in the North is not detectable.

Hoheluft-West is also known as the "General's" quarter as many streets are named after famous generals. It is also one of Hamburg's pricey residential areas, though with 14,17 EUR respectively 11,58 EUR per m² some medium-priced apartments may be available. Take a walk down on of them, e.g. the Roonstraße and dream of getting a house here. Most of them are owned by those who live inside and they probably will not be sold in the next 100 years, just inherited. The other parts of Hoheluft are not as pricey and a lot of students live here.

Hamburg's most popular Grillwurst shop - a down-to-earth contrast to otherwise chic Hoheluft."
The church of St. Mark in district Hamburg Hoheluft-Ost"
The area "Falkenried" is a popular residential area with old manufactury sites turned into office and residential buildings"

The Falkenried terraces between Falkenried and Löwenstrasse are another feature of the district: three-story apartment blocks built in Neo-Renaissance style in the early 1900. Nowadays they are small one-bedroom flats and the houses are connected by beautiful terraces and yards with lots of life -just lovely.

It is not the most children-rich area, probably because of the high living prices and the number of children, and the number of households with children is some 5-6% less than Hamburg average. But if you are a child in this district you will manage to go to a gymnasium with a chance of 78%, which is extraordinarily high. 15 kindergartens, two primary schools and one secondary school educate the 1.300 children.

The average taxable income in Hoheluft East, the neighbor of Eppendorf, is 42.000 EUR per year and thus some 10.000 EUR more than the Hamburg average, and some 5.000 EUR less than in Eppendorf. In Hoheluft West residents earn just as much as any other Hamburg resident. Unemployment is significantly below average and so is the percentage of residents with a migration background. Residents are tolerant and open-minded and just like Eppendorf, it is a nice neighborhood for Expatriates.

A handful of parallel roads are considered the General's quarter - and are all named by famous military generals."
Another gorgeous mansion at Mansteinstrasse in the general's quarter"
The yellow villa in the generals quarter in district Hamburg Hoheluft"

Get an impression of available apartments in this district

The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.

Get an idea of rental price development in this district

The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

One of the beautiful entrance doors if houses in the Mansteinstrasse in Hamburg Hoheluft"
Art-deco house from the turn of the century"
A landmark at Hamburg Hoheluft: tower-like building at Hoheluftchaussee."
Also in the general's quarter in Hoheluft-Ost: the Kottwitzstrasse"
A well-known residential area: the Falkenried highrise"
One more time impressions of the quarter Falkenried: some terraced houses of the 19th century"
Terraced houses from the turn of the century at Falkenried quarter in district Hoheluft."
A school at Curschmannstrasse, build ith the typical black-red brick of the era."
Hoheluft's border is a huge and congestive 4-lane road: the Hoheluftchaussee"
And another ancient general being honored with a street to his name: Mr. Gneisenau."