Billwerder on Bille, that’s how the quarter is correctly called, is located on an island closed in by the Dove Elbe and the Bille Elbe, two side arms of the Elbe river. It is mostly meadows and fields with agricultural usage. Houses are built along the only street of the district, the Billwerder Hauptdeich (Billwerder main dike). The most famous historical buildings which survived the times are the Glockenhaus, a beautifully renovated wooden framework house, the Hufner house, a former representative farmer’s house, the beautiful church St. Nicolai, and the Predigerwitwenhaus.
Billwerder is part of the Marschlande is a popular area for recreation. The Eichbaumsee invites to take a swim and relax with a nice picnic. Likewise the Hohendeicher See, where you can even do surfing. The water park Dove-Elbe has regular rowing regattas. And there are manifold walkways and cycle tracks along the many dikes. There are golf courses, sailing and rowing clubs and horse riding facilities. The landscape and architecture is beautiful and many ancient farm houses and charming churches are much inviting.
The beauty of the lands also convinced rich Hamburg sales men and senators to build their sommer houses, better villas. Especially in Billwerder and Moorfleet, but there are none left and the two districts are dominated by harbour and logistic industry nowadays.

Photos f.l.t.r: St. Nikolai church of Billwerder (c) hh oldmann CC BY 3.0, „Billwerder Billdeich 330 (Hamburg-Billwerder).ajb“ (c) Ajepbah (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Billeaue“ (c) Tomlong1952 (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons
Average rental price per m²
7,80 EUR
Building style ratio
Apartment blocks: 27,8%
Houses: 72,2%
45,8% singles
17,3% families
14,8% < 18 years
19,7% > 65 years
Average Income Level
Billwerder: 29.391 EUR
Hamburg: 35.567 EUR

Photos f.l.t.r: „Billwerder Billdeich 256 (Hamburg-Billwerder).ajb“ (c) Ajepbah (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Billwerder Billdeich 570 (Hamburg-Billwerder).ajb“ (c) Ajepbah (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Pincerno - Billwerder 4“ (c) Pincerno (Own work) CC BY SA 2.0 DE, „Pincerno - Billwerder 1“ (c) Pincerno ( Own work) CC BY SA 2.0 DE, „Predigerwitwenhaus (Hamburg-Billwerder).ajb“ (c) Ajepbah (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, Mansion at Billwerder (c) hh oldmann CC BY 3.0, Playground (c) hh oldmann CC BY 3.0, „Billwerder Billdeich 11, 11a (Hamburg-Billwerder).ajb“ (c) Ajepbah (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Billwerder Billdeich 226 (Hamburg-Billwerder).ajb“ (c) Ajepbah (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons