Eidelstedt has a proper shopping center where three times a week an open air market is held. 5 different residential areas can be distinguished: The North is dominated by single- and two-family houses, some terraced houses and some bigger apartment blocks. The settlement with up to 13 floor high apartment blocks at Hornackredder/ EllerauerWeg/ Lentföhrdener Weg was built in the 60ties of last century. 10 years later the settlement Wildacker was built in the same way. The Lohkamp settlement, in the West of Eidelstedt, however, has a completely different architecture. Designed and built in the 50ties, the area is characterized by 2-family houses along tiny and quiet side roads with small moats and well-cared for gardens. Residents of this area only rarely move and it is difficult to get land here.
Get an impression of available apartments in this district
The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.
Get an idea of rental price development in this district
The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

Photos f.l.t.r: „457 doerpsweg“ (c) Dirtsc (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „1657 furtweg 15“ (c) Dirtsc (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Eidelsteed - Fangdiek“ (c) flamenc (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Eidelsteed - Fangdiekgraben - Muehlenau“ (c) flamenc (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0, „Eidelstedt-Center“ (c) Gerhard Kemme (Own work) Public domain, „Eidelstedter Bürgerhaus“ (c) Gerhard Kemme (Own work) Public domain - ALL via Wikimedia Commons