Borgfelde is close to the city and many social institutions are located here. During the second world war it was completely destroyed and nowadays architecture is the result of iterative growing with no special concept. The quarter is devided by three very congestive roads, Bürgerweide, Borgfelder straße and Eiffestraße, which are flanked with office buildings. It is therefore not the most popular residential area.

Photos f.l.t.r: „Erlöserkirche in Hamburg-Borgfelde“ (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (Self-photographed) CC BY SA 2.5, „Mittelkanal Borgfelde 16“(c) Georg HH (Own work (Own photo)) Public domain, „Mathias-Stift in Hamburg-Borgfelde“ (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (Self-photographed) CC BY SA 2.5 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons
Get an impression of available apartments in this district
The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.
Get an idea of rental price development in this district
The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

Photos f.l.t.r: „Mittelkanal Borgfelde 17“ (c) Georg HH (Own work (Own photo)) Public domain, „Haspa Borgfelde 133“ (c) Georg HH (Own work (Own photo)) Public domain, „Neuapostolische Kirche in Hamburg-Borgfelde“ (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (Self-photographed) CC BY SA 2.5, „Hiobshospital Hamburg Borgfelde 01“ (c) UweRohwedder (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Gewerkschaftshaus Jungestrasse (Hamburg-Borgfelde) 02“ (c) UweRohwedder (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „AOK-Gebaeude Hamburg-Borgfelde2“ (c) O DM (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Alida Schmidt Stift 01“ (c) UweRohwedder (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Bürogebäude Borgfelde 2“ (c) Georg HH (Own work (Own photo)) Public domain, „Missione Cattolica Italiana in Hamburg-Borgfelde“ (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (Self-photographed) CC BY SA 2.5 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons