District Profile Dulsberg

Dulsberg is one of the smallest districts of Hamburg allocated by us to the central East area. The name originates from devils mountain (“Duls” = “Tolls” = “Teufel”= devil and “berg” = mountain). Until the early 20th century it was farming land and with the building of the train line to the Northern villages like Wohldorf-Ohlstedt and the canalization of the Osterbek creek industry started to locate. With that growing also a residential area around today’s train station Friedrichsberg (Dithmarscher Straße and Stormaner Straße) was developed. After the first world war the area was further developed and the famous architect, who’s heritage (mostly dark red brick houses) can be found everywhere in Hamburg districts, Fritz Schumacher made the planning for the area between Krausestraße, Osterbek channel, Tondernstraße, Eulenkamp and the above mentioned Stormarner Straße. The architectural design is until today still subject to architects’ pilgrims. Unfortunately, huge parts were massively destroyed during the second world war (the so-called “operation Gomorrha”) and Hamburg invested a lot of money to rebuild the original structures.


Whilst Dulsberg benefits from its central location and easy access to the city center it is one of the poorest districts. Percentage of foreigners is high, just like unemployment. These two factors are the main reasons why Hamburgers have a rather negative image of this district. Whilst we perceive that a woman cannot go safe by herself (be it night or day), the reality is quite different and in fact, criminality is just on avergae level. This is partly due to the groundbraking exemplary architecture and makes Dulsberg predominantly a simple and quiet area to live. Whilst the old constructions had a lot of small apartments, which is the reason why many singles live in Dulsberg, a couple of these were put together in a big renovation project from 1995 to 2002. Thanks to that there are also bigger apartments available now. The district is also favored by students who benefit from the affordable renting prices. Such has, however, not led to a lively night scene and the little restaurants existing tailor their offer to the residents’ purses.


Get an impression of available apartments in this district

The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.

Get an idea of rental price development in this district

The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

There are only a limited number of shops remaining on Dithmarschener Straße, a shopping mall in the 1950’ies, as they have difficulties to survive with the huge shopping mall Wandsbeker Quaree nearby. Still, the social life is strong in Dulsberg – latest events can be seen on the district’s website.

The area is not so much preferred by families, however, due to the relatively dense population there are still enough to be taken care of in 7 kindergardens, 1 primary school and 2 secondary schools. Unfortunately, the low income seems to somehow affect the school career of children and a significantly 76% of all pupils older than 10 do not go to a Gymnasium. The school “Alter Teichweg” has a long heritage as elite school for athlets (the Olympic Games for Swimming were conducted in the swimming bath nearby) and nowadays it is known as education centre for future HSV players.

Photos f.l.t.r: „Dulsberg Schumacher-Haeuser (c) Tomas Nagel (Own work) Public domain, „Dithmarscher Straße in Hamburg-Dulsberg (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (photo taken by Claus-Joachim Dickow) CC BY SA 2.5, „Hamburg.Duhlsberg.Schule Krausestr.wmt (c) Wolfgang Meinhart, Hamburg (Own work) CC BY SA 3.0, „Hh-dulsberg-ekgym2 (c) Staro1 CC BY SA 3.0) , „Innenhof zwischen Diedenhofer Straße und Mühlhäuser Straße in Hamburg-Dulsberg (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (Self-photographed) CC BY SA 3.0, „Laubenganghaus Mülhäuser Straße in Hamburg-Dulsberg 3 (c) Claus-Joachim Dickow (Self-photographed) CC BY SA 3.0 - ALL via Wikimedia Commons