District Profile Rothenburgsort

Rothenburgsort is split into three parts: The residential area south of the train lines, then from there up north to the Bille Elbe river industrial area and finally, on the Billerhuder Iland, a garden colony. The very East is dominated by the beginning of the motorway and the bridges over the Elbe being one of the two traffic bottleneck for the traffic coming from South of Hamburg. Naturally, the area close to that road is suffering from the noise, partly shielded by a big hotel complex. Rothenburgsort was completely destroyed during operation “fire storm” in 1943. It was first dedicated to industry and only in 1955 a residential area was planned for. Thus, most of the housings origin from the late 50ies. Rothenburgsort’s residential area basically consists of 3 streets and a few side streets: the Marckmannstraße, the Billhorner Röhrendamm/Vierländer Damm and the Stresowstraße. After renovation of the buildings the quarter gained back some life. Residents are among the least wealthy in Hamburg and nearly 50% have a migration background. Twice as much residents as normal receive social welfare and criminality is considerably above average. It is not a very preferred district, although also here, there are surely some nice locations. The connection to Hauptbahnhof is very close, but the train station is a bit outside the residential area.