District Profile Hamburg St. Georg

District St. Georg in Hamburg - very central, very diverse

Hamburg St. Georg is just like St. Pauli perfect for urban party people with no preconceptions.  St. Georg has long been the favorite residential area for gays. As often the case, the reality is much less exciting. It is true that in St. Georg you will see couples of same sex walking the streets, however, the gay community is less dominant nowadays and the quarter recently became a very hip place to live and real estate prices increased rapidly.

You will find design lofts as well as apartments, satisfying only the very basic needs and a lot of apartment houses are still in dire need of renovation. But, you can start your nightlife right in front of your apartment and you have the city center in foot reach. The population is young and one third are foreign nationals. If you have a place to live in the side streets of the Lange Reihe you will still mostly enjoy a quite night throughout the week.

The Lange Reihe is the heart of the district and a very lively street with many small boutiques and cafes and also very good restaurants, like the Sgroi (an Italian female star cook) or the Cox or the Turnhalle - nowadays a popular burger restaurant. Just recently a new design hotel, The George, opened its doors and welcomes the party people on a beautiful roof terrace with a view to the lake. Another very popular shopping street is the Steindamm, which is the home of many Persian supermarkets. The Southern part of this road is dominated by the red light district with casinos, peepshows and sex cinemas.

The restaurant Turnhalle was a popular pre-party location. It has now a new owner and a became a similarly popular burger restaurant."
Beautiful walkways lead all around the Alster lake"
The Hansaplatz is a lively place surrounded by bars and restaurants"


Berliner Tor is a huge street leading to the motorway. "
The newbuild student home has a fantastically central location in St. Georg."
Predominantly between Alster lake and Lange Reihe there are beautiful art deco houses next to modern newbuilds."
Another very typical streetview in St. Georg."
A residential building next to the St. Georg church."
A popular bar open from dusk til midnight is the pub Frau Möller."

Get an impression of available apartments in this district

The link refers to the biggest real estate webportal and what you see is representative. The search is limited to unfurnished apartments with a built-in kitchen. Any furniture you see will go out before you move in.

Get an idea of rental price development in this district

The link refers to statistics of the biggest real estate webportal and shows the m² prices as so requested by the landlords. They can be considered being the reality since there is no room for negotiation in this market.

Main station quarter - the frontline, consisting of hotels, theatre and restaurants."
St. Georg view into the sky."
The Steindamm, one of the three main roads in St.Georg, come with sex theatres, hotels (actually nice ones) and Arabian supermarkets"
A popular wall paint iin St. Georg, a district which is know for its gay community"
The museum for art and engineering business"
One of the most popular theatres in Hamburg - directly opposite the main station in St. Georg"
House of Workers Axxociation"
The major job office in Hamburg"
The biggest public library of Hamburg is located in St. Georg."
One of Hamburg's many churches."
The central bus station ZOB next to the maon station"
A typical house front at Lange Reihe street, the very popular main shopping road in St.Georg."
One of St. Geord's two churches"
A typical side road in St. Georg's pretty area."
One more sight of the road Lange Reihe."